Saturday, September 17, 2011


About 3 years ago I purchased a 1971 VW Super Beetle project car.  Since we moved into our current house it has sat in my garage gathering dust.  After I had pulled the 327 V8 out of the 70 GMC Robin (the beautiful godess who married me and has a ton of patience with my projects) decided she felt it would be smarter to get the VW done and out of the garage before doing much more on my 66 Chevy.  I agreed....mainly because I really need the space to tear down the 66.

So.....I figured I would post some of the "before" pictures for you to see.  I will be posting more pictures soon.
 The hood had some very poor dent/rust repair done some time can see the rust popping through the paint.
 The front fenders came with it but I just threw them away.  they looked like someone had beat them with a hammer and left them in the rain for several years.
 Overall the car seems pretty clean as far as the body goes.....however.....upon closer inspection I discovered alot of poor bodywork under several layers of paint.....I determined to take it down to the metal and fix it right.

 The interior was pertty beat, true to my nature.....tear it out, throw it away and make it new.....its the only way to go.

Now the engine.....this beast has a 1600 cc 4 cyl that at max output gets a whopping 48 horse power....LOL.  The guy I got the car from swore the engine was good but we'll see....rebuild kits are not expensive if I need to go that route.....she obvioulsy needs some TLC.

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