Sunday, February 12, 2012

Progress....Engine and Transaxle

 Here is what the engine looked like after being pulled....not too pretty.
 This will definately need to look pretty before going back into this car!!
 I pulled it apart, replaced all the bearings and moving parts it is lubed up ready to go back together.
 The other side....these VW engine cases actually come apart in two halves which, in a way, makes them easier to work on.
 I also replaced the valves (which bolt on in the VW rather than being bored into the block like on American engines) with new pistons and rings and the heads, which were cracked, were replaced with new ones. 
 Here is the engine with fresh paint....looking prettier already!!
This thing was dirty, dirty, dirty....but nothing a little elbow grease couldn't deal with.....once again she has to be pretty and functional!!
 I pulled the transaxle apart to make sure it was in good working order.  I found it was in good shape but needed new seals and a new pinion biggie!
 Another view....I was not able to drain all the gear oil out of it because I didn't have the right size I just took it apart anyway.....a little more mess but it worked.
 Here she is looking prettier!!
I decided to add a few extra coats of clear to the finish of the body of the when I'm done with that I'll add pics of the final finish.

More later,
